
Fractional CMO Services


Ecommerce Buyer Persona: Identify Your Ideal Customer | SparkPPC

Updated for 2019 Picture this… You’re making your way down the street to pick up some lunch at your favorite neighborhood eatery. You reach out to open the door and someone quickly hands you a flyer: “Free Coffee Roasting Class” from a new coffee…

Buyer Personas: Identify Your Target Audience Online | SparkPPC

Picture this… You’re making your way down the street to pick up some lunch at your favorite neighborhood eatery. You reach out to open the door and someone quickly hands you a flyer: “Free Coffee Roasting Class” from a new coffee shop in town….

Digital Marketing Consultant: Is It Time To Hire One? | SparkPPC

Wondering if a digital marketing consultant can help you grow and scale the business? Or maybe you’re curious about what it means to bring an online marketing consultant on board? It might be time to call the digital marketing doctor……


How To Grow A Small Business: The Definitive Guide | SparkPPC

So you want to learn how to grow a small business? Even if you own an online-only, brick and mortar, or hybrid business; you’ll be able to apply these principles to your business model. Here’s the good news… You only…

Conversion Funnel For Ecommerce Sales: The 2018 Guide | SparkPPC

Updated for 2018 The conversion funnel. Often referred to as the sales funnel, marketing funnel, customer funnel, or customer journey; it’s no secret that this sales system is crucial to inbound marketing strategies for driving sales for your ecommerce business. Ecommerce businesses…

The Process – Relationship Marketing | SparkPPC

It all comes down to building a relationship with your target customer. We call this the Know, Like, & Trust Factor. We only buy from those we know, like, and trust. If you haven’t built those three with your target…

Small Business Marketing Plan (The Ultimate Guide) | SparkPPC

In this guide we’ll cover the essential elements of a small business marketing plan. However, if you’ve never put one together then consider this your executive summary of marketing objectives with specific goals for your small business. You’ll be creating…


Unique Selling Proposition (Differentiate Yourself Now) | SparkPPC

Your business needs a unique selling proposition. Al Ries and Jack Trout, legendary marketing experts, write in their book: 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing… “If you can’t be first in a category, create one you can be first in.” Because…


Small Business Marketing Consultant | SparkPPC

#GOALS are the starting point. We work backwards from a clearly defined SMART goal. The Real MVP. We begin with a minimum viable plan first and get fancy later. Proven Processes, Not Impulses. We follow proven frameworks over scratching an…


How To Increase Sales (Lead Domino Sales Strategy) | SparkPPC

If you’re like any forward-thinking small business owner, you’re looking for how to increase sales. However, most advice you’re probably being given is “well just spend more money“. The only problem is—spending more money won’t necessarily guarantee more sales of…